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Recovery declaration Standard RCS [Analysis]

Author:Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd. Date:2024-01-30 Reading:

Recycled Claimed Standard (RCS) is another recycled claimed standard introduced by the Textile Exchange in 2013 to provide a basis for certification of products using recycled raw materials.

Also for recycling standards, what is the difference between RCS and GRS?

1. Different traceability requirements can be met:

According to the requirements of GRS 4.0 and RCS 2.0 standards, a product has obtained GRS/RCS certification, then all production lines/factories involved in this product need to undergo relevant audits or have GRS/RCS certificates, and GRS certified raw materials can meet the traceability requirements of RCS certified products. However, RCS certified raw materials cannot meet the traceability requirements of GRS certified products.

2. Applicable product regeneration ratio is different:

RCS certification is applicable to products with a recycling ratio between 5% and 100%. The GRS certification applies to products with a regeneration ratio between 20% and 100%.

3. Certification audit content is different:

RCS only certifies the recycled materials and supply chain requirements of products, while GRS needs to certify the four modules of recycled materials and supply chain requirements, social responsibility requirements, environmental requirements, and chemical requirements of products.

4. Different authentication identifiers/labels


To obtain the GRS certification, Use the GRS logo/ Special Claims according to the RCS GRS Logo Use and Claims Guide


Based on the differences between the above RCS and GRS, how the factory/enterprise chooses which certification to carry out mainly depends on the needs of customers and the own conditions of the planned certification products.

RCS certification application process: (Same as GRS certification application process)

Certification application: After receiving the application documents of the applicant, pre-examine the documents to evaluate the feasibility of certification, audit days and related costs.

Sign the agreement: After the evaluation (no problem) accept the certification application, and issue the certification quotation and agreement contract, signed and sealed by both parties.

Payment: After receiving the quotation agreement, the applicant company needs to complete the payment within the time specified in the contract.

Certification audit: The certification body will arrange the auditor to the site audit, then the applicant company needs to cooperate with the auditor audit.

Issuance of certificates: according to the audit report, the certification shall be issued in accordance with the certification. If there are non-conformance items during the audit, the applicant company shall submit rectification materials according to the actual situation, and all non-conformance items shall be corrected within the prescribed time before the certificate can be issued.

Get the certificate and Use the logo/ label as required by the RCS GRS Logo Use and Claims Guide.




