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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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TC request update, quick look! (effective from 15 November 2023)

Author:Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd. Date:2023-12-08 Reading:

TC requires an update to version V3.1, effective November 15, 2023, with the latest requirements enforceable on and after the effective date.

Mandatory from January 1, 2024, all issued TCS must meet the requirements of the V3.1 standard.

Meaning? What are the important changes in TC V3.1?

dTrackit Database:

TE has launched a new public database called Digital Trackit (dTrackit).

The SC and TC issued by the certification authority are uploaded to the system. All certified enterprises and organizations can use this database for SC and TC confirmation, material traceability, identity verification, etc.

In order to facilitate enterprises to quickly enter the inquiry link, the inquiry link of SC and TC is hereby placed below:

SC Query link:https://textileexchange.org/find-certified-company/


Link to TC query:https://textileexchange.org/authenticate-transaction/


Above query interface, enter the relevant information, you can query.

eTrackit System:

TE introduces the eTrackit system to apply for electronic TCS. For details about the implementation time, see Policy for the Use of eTrackit.

At that time, enterprises can apply for electronic TC in the eTrackit system to replace the current PDF TC. If you have applied for electronic TC products in the eTrackit system, you cannot apply for PDF TC in the certification body.

eTrackit system link:https://platform.textilegenesis.com/login

Multi-standard TC:

An organization may issue multiple standards under TE into a single TC, provided that all of the TC standards are included in the seller's SC.

The multi-standard TC should include at least one product for each listed standard.

Multiple shipments, open a TC:

Conditions for opening TC for multiple shipments (the following conditions must be met simultaneously) :

1. The Seller, the Seller's certification authority and the Buyer agree to place multiple batches of products in one TC and agree on the quantity and/or time period of the goods.

2. The seller of all products (box2) must be the same and the buyer of all products (box3) must be the same.

3. All products must be shipped from the same place.

4. The trading certificate shall not include more than 100 shipments (box9) and 1000 products (box10). Note: "Product" refers to each unique product listed in column 10 and not to individual units of certified products.

5. Multiple delivery batches, the first delivery date to the last delivery date, the interval cannot exceed 90 days. Note: If the buyer is a brand, the interval between the first delivery date and the last delivery date cannot exceed 30 days.

No need to open a TC:

You do not need to apply for a TC under the following circumstances:

1. In the same certificate, there is no need to open a TC between the main certificate and the joint certificate holder (facility).

2. There is no need to open TC between the certification body and the subcontractor.

3. The brand of the end product (i.e. the organization whose certificate lists PR0035) does not need to open TC; If a brand requests a TC, the certification body shall issue a TC to the brand after the brand has submitted complete information.

4. If the electronic TC has been opened in the eTrackit system, the PDF TC cannot be applied to the certification body.

This section describes the time requirement for the certification authority to issue TCS

1. When the enterprise submits complete and correct information, the certification body must issue a TC transaction certificate within 14 days.

2. When there is a problem with the information submitted by the enterprise, the certification body must notify the enterprise of the problem point within 14 days.

3. When the enterprise has modified the information and the information is complete and correct, the certification body must issue the TC transaction certificate within 14 days.

TC's requirements on delivery time:

After delivery time

(Subject to the earliest delivery date)

0-90 days
91-180 days
181+ days
Whether a TC can be issued
May issue
At the discretion of the certification body
Those that meet point 3 May be issued

1. If the documents are complete and correct within 90 days after delivery, the TC can be issued.

2. 91-180 days after delivery, if the documents are complete and correct, the certification body will decide whether to issue TC (p.s. TE's attitude towards this article is to allow issuance).

3. If any of the following items are met more than 180 days after delivery, the TC can still be issued:

a. Exemptions granted by TE. TE generally issues exemptions only in the event of force majeure.

b. TC products are terminal products with complete and correct information, and TC can be issued within 365 days after delivery.

c. TC product categories are PC0032 (tops) and PC0034 (undyed fibers) and raw materials are

RM0003 (organic alpaca), RM0007(responsible alpaca), RM0060 (organic mohair), RM0064(responsible mohair), RM0079 (organic wool), and RM0083(responsible wool), if the documents are complete and correct, the TC can be issued within 365 days after delivery.

d. If all products in the TC have applied for TC in eTrackit, and the eTrackit TC has been invalid, the TC can be issued if the data is complete and correct.

e. After the complete and valid input TC is issued, the TC can be issued within 60 days, provided that the input TC is also issued in accordance with the requirements of A8.3.

f. If the certification body is able to verify the transport document directly with a third party transport provider (such as a common carrier or shipping line) or a government authority, the TC may still be issued within 365 days of the earliest shipment date. Note: Cases in which the certification body is able to authenticate documents directly. For example, certification bodies can verify documents directly from government websites or contact relevant agencies (such as customs) to certify shipping documents.

When the certificate expires, the requirements for issuing a TC are as follows:

After the certificate expires

0-30 days
31-90 days
90+ days
Can I issue a TC?
May issue; The premise is that the enterprise has not obtained a certificate from another certification body
May issue; The premise is that the enterprise has not obtained a certificate from another certification bodyCannot issue TC

1. If the certificate expires within 30 days and the certificate has not been obtained from another organization, the original organization can still issue a TC.

2. If the certificate expires within 31 to 90 days and the certificate has not been obtained from another organization, the original organization evaluates whether the TC can be issued.

3. The TC cannot be issued 90 days after the certificate expires.

After the transfer, the requirements for issuing TC are:

If the enterprise transfers to the agency, then who should the TC be signed by?

1. Before the new institution obtains the certificate, it shall apply for the TC from the old institution, and the old institution shall comply with A8.4 "TC Requirements for Issuing Expired Certificates".

2. After the new institution obtains the certificate, it should apply for TC at the new institution.

Situations in which a TC cannot be issued:

What situations can not apply for TC, enterprises should pay special attention to avoid such situations.

1. For products whose delivery time is not within the validity period of the certificate, the certification body cannot issue a TC. Any certificate that has been suspended, withdrawn or expired shall be deemed invalid.

2. After the certificate is suspended or revoked due to non-conformance, the certification authority cannot issue TC to the enterprise. No matter what the delivery time is.

3. The certification body has been suspended or restricted in the certification qualification, and the certification body can review and check TC data, but cannot issue TC. If the certification body's qualification suspension or restriction is removed, the certification body can issue a TC.

TC product production Date:

TC Production date (Box 10 Production date) is mandatory.

Date of production of multiple batches The date of the last batch used.

If the product is not processed, the production date shall be copied from the supplier's TC.

Multiple origin writing methods:

If multiple sources are involved in one TC, the writing method of box 11 origin is preferred:

RM0189 - certified weight 10,000 kg-Country1 (AA)

RM0189 - certified weight 3,000 kg-Country1 (BB)

RM0189 - certified weight 7,000 kg-Country2 (CC)

The goal is to make the weight and location of each raw material correspond one by one, and there is no misunderstanding.




