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What does 'organic' mean in 'organic textiles'?

Author:Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd. Date:2023-06-08 Reading:

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The term 'organic' originally originated from 'organic food' and later extended to other products, such as organic textiles and organic cosmetics.

For 'organic food,' it refers to food that is produced and processed according to international organic agricultural production requirements and corresponding standards. It strictly prohibits the use of synthetic substances such as pesticides, fertilizers, and genetic engineering techniques. The resulting food is known as 'organic food.'

For 'organic textiles,' they are textiles that are processed from 'organic fibers.'

'Organic fibers' are obtained through agricultural production that follows specific standards. They are grown without the use of genetic engineering, chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, and other additives. They adhere to the principles of natural growth and ecological principles. Examples include organic cotton fibers and organic linen fibers.

As shown in the following image:

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Organic fiber production standards include the European Union regulation (EC) 834/2007, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Organic Program (NOP) standards, the National Program for Organic Production (NPOP) by the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) in India, and the Chinese national organic standard GB/T19630, as well as any standards recognized by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) related to production (crop cultivation or animal farming) and certified as "organic" or "organic transition" for natural fibers.

——Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) version 6.0

Organic production follows specific production principles that prohibit the use of genetically engineered organisms and their derivatives. It also excludes the use of chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, and feed additives. Organic production adheres to the principles of natural laws and ecological principles, aiming to achieve a balance between crop cultivation and animal husbandry. It promotes a sustainable and stable agricultural production system that operates in harmony with nature.

——GB/T19630 Organic Products - Production, Processing, Labeling, and Management System Requirements.


■ Why promote organic textiles?

The production, processing, and use of organic textiles can reduce environmental pressure in terms of water resources, energy, emissions, and more.

Reducing environmental footprint

Conventional cotton production involves the use of approximately 16% of the world's insecticides and 7% of pesticides, along with significant amounts of chemical fertilizers and other chemicals. In contrast, organic cotton cultivation avoids the use of toxic chemicals, minimizes soil disruption, has a smaller impact on air quality, reduces water consumption by 88%, and saves 62% of energy.

Safe working environment

Organic fibers follow biological pest control methods during cultivation, adhering to natural growth principles and ecological principles. They do not use chemical synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, growth regulators, or other additives, ensuring a safe working environment for farmers and their families.

In the production and processing of organic textiles, only minimal amounts of chemicals without banned substances are used, minimizing their impact on workers and the environment.

Sustainable development

Using organic products indirectly contributes to water conservation, reduced carbon emissions, decreased air pollution, reduced water pollution, and improved working conditions for farmers and workers. More and more brands are joining the organic movement, demanding the use of organic materials in their supply chains and adhering to organic standards in producing organic products.


■ Organic textile control (certification and auditing)

In order to control the production and processing of organic fibers and textiles, audits and certifications are conducted on farms and textile factories involved in cultivation and processing. This ensures effective control over the use of organic raw materials and production of organic products, preventing any mixing or confusion between organic and conventional products.

Currently, the Organic Content Standard (OCS) and the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) are recognized as the highest standards for supply chain control. These standards require certification at each stage of the supply chain, including processing and sales, and the issuance of Transaction Certificates (TC) for each transaction to monitor the traceability of organic materials.

Get to know OCS and GOTS quickly

● Organic Content Standard(OCS)


Certification Scope: Non-food products produced with organic materials.

Organic Content Requirement: Certification can be obtained with a minimum organic content of 5%.

Audit Contents: Organic production and traceability requirements.

Certification Bodies: Intertek (ITS) and others.

● Global Organic Textile Standard(GOTS)


Certification Scope: Textile products made from organic materials.

Organic Content Requirement: Certification is granted to textiles with a minimum of 70% organic content.

Audit Content: The certification process includes assessing compliance with organic production and traceability requirements, as well as social responsibility, environmental criteria, and chemical management.

● Transaction Certificate(TC)

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TC is a document that serves as proof of the genuine transaction of organic products between buyers and sellers. After obtaining organic certification, companies engage in the genuine trading of organic products. In such cases, customers often request a TC from us to verify that the traded products comply with organic standards.

To obtain a TC, companies apply to the certification body that issued their organic certification. For example, if Intertek issued the certification, the company would apply to Intertek for the TC certificate.

■ Organic products are a trend and align with the larger trend of sustainable development

In recent years, many brands have been demanding the use of organic materials. Currently, a complete organic product supply chain has gradually formed in our country.




