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Renaming of the Higg Platform and the Reasons Behind It

Author:Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd. Date:2023-06-08 Reading:


On May 16, 2023, the Higg platform underwent significant changes. Based on the information gathered by the editor, here is a summary: Firstly, the platform's name has been changed from "Higg" to "Worldly." Secondly, the entire platform interface has become more vibrant and streamlined. Lastly, new products, services, and data sets have been introduced, along with changes in fees. Apart from the verification fees charged by organizations, the fees for vFEM (verification of FEM) and vFSLM (verification of FSLM) are now included in the FEM and FSLM modules, eliminating the need for separate charges.

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■ Higg Platform renamed to Worldly Platform

To understand the name change from Higg Inc to Worldly, it is essential to understand the relationship between Higg Index, Higg Inc, and Worldly.

The Higg Index is an online assessment tool developed by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) to quantify a company's compliance. The familiar modules of the Higg Index include FEM and FSLM, along with MSI, PM, and BRM.

Higg Inc, a software company focused on IT platform development and support, was spun off from SAC. Higg Inc's platform hosts the Higg Index tools for users to choose from.


Worldly is the new name for Higg Inc, with Higg Inc being its former name. The change from Higg platform to Worldly platform aims to avoid confusion in the market caused by Higg Index and Higg Inc and to address any challenges Higg Inc faced while expanding the Higg Index, developing new platform tools, technologies, partnerships, and other innovations.

■ Clearer and more streamlined platform interface

The UI design of the platform seems to have transformed from a more masculine appearance to a more vibrant and simplified interface. The colors are more eye-catching, the menus are more concise, and the grouping is more distinct.

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Comparison of the new and old interfaces

■ Introduction of new products, services, and data sets

The fees for vFEM and vFSLM verification are now included in the FEM and FSLM modules, respectively, resulting in a reduction of approximately 20% in costs for factories requiring verification.

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Worldly's Module Purchase

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Higg Platform's Module Purchase

The addition of the FSLM Transfer module enables the transfer of SLCP verification from other hosted platforms (such as FFC or Better Work) to Worldly's Higg FSLM module without the need for additional verification.

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Worldly provides more identification numbers for different projects, allowing factories to meet the verification requirements of different clients.

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A new data collection tool has been developed based on the requirements of greenhouse gas accounting systems, the Global Reporting Initiative, and carbon information disclosure. This tool simplifies the collection of raw data, facilitates the compilation of annual impact analysis, and provides convenience for those with limited knowledge in sustainability.

Details can be found at: https://go.worldly.io/factory-data

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A tracking tool has been developed to manage risks throughout the year using key data from suppliers. This tool allows companies to track progress toward energy, water, and waste goals in near real-time.

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The analysis module has been updated to provide access to custom charts and graphs, helping users spend less time interpreting data and more time making improvements.

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Worldly's official website offers additional services, tools, and solutions related to sustainability and sustainable development.




