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UL 2809 Recycled Content Verification Standard, 6th edition, has been officially released.

Author:Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd. Date:2023-06-08 Reading:

The 6th edition of UL 2809, the standard for defined content and recycled content, was officially released in April 2023. Since its initial release in 2012, UL 2809 has undergone multiple updates, with this being the largest revision in recent years.

The key changes in the 6th edition of UL 2809 are as follows:

The formal English name of the standard has been changed from "Recycled Content" to "Defined Content." This expansion allows for the recognition of recycled materials from different sources and prepares for future inclusion of sustainable materials from additional sources.

The original single standard has been divided into four separate standards, providing better clarity and convenience for readers and the industry. Additional standards are expected to be developed in the future.

The new edition consists of the following standards:

  • UL 2809-1 - Defined Content outlines the general requirements for each chain of custody model.

  • UL 2809-2 - Recycled Materials outlines the requirements for recycled, reclaimed, reused, refurbished, closed-loop, and post-/post-consumer content.

  • UL 2809-3 - Ocean/Ocean-Bound Plastics outlines the requirements for ocean plastic and ocean-bound plastics.

  • UL 2809-4 - By-Product Synergy outlines the requirements for qualified by-products.

The definition and auditing of the chain of custody in UL 2809 align with the "ISO 22095:2020 Chain of Custody - General Terms and Models."

The definition of recycled materials in UL 2809 aligns not only with the "ISO 14021 Environmental Labels and Declarations - Self-declared Environmental Claims (Type II Environmental Label)" but also with the "EN 45557:2020 General Methodology for the Assessment of the Proportion of Recycled Material in Energy-related Products."

The 6th edition of UL 2809 became effective on April 6, 2023. New projects submitted after this date will be assessed and certified according to the latest edition. Companies holding certificates based on the 5th edition can continue using their current certificates until the annual audit, after which they can transition to the new edition.




