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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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CE Certification

Eu CE certification

The English word for CONFORMITE EUROPEENNE in Europe is "CE". The certification issued in Europe is called CE certification. All products need to obtain the CE certification mark and the CE certification LOGO is printed on the product or packaging before entering the EU market. All goods with CE certification LOGO can be unimpeded in the EU member states, the CE certification, do not need to meet the requirements of each country.

In the European Union market, the "CE" mark is a mandatory certification mark. Whether the products produced by enterprises within the European Union or those produced by other countries, if they want to circulate freely in the European Union market, they must be affixed with the "CE" mark to show that the products meet the basic requirements of the European Union directive "New Methods of Technical Harmonization and Standardization". This is a mandatory requirement for products under EU law.

Eu CE certification basic overview

Application scope of CE certification

• CE certification applicable countries: 27 EU member states (including Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands) and other countries that recognize EU CE certification standards;

• Applicable products for CE certification: EU CE certification covers a large number of products. Generally, all products exported to EU countries should meet the CE certification standards, such as: mechanical products, building materials, elevator products, yacht products, daily necessities, etc.);

• CE certification for enterprises: whether for manufacturers, traders, importers, distributors, the restrictions will be more stringent.

CE certificate type

Eu CE certificates are issued by third parties and are mainly divided into two types:

1. The certificate with notice number (NB), which is issued by the notice body directly under the EU, is more authoritative. The notice body will be examined by the EU every year and will pay a fee to the EU headquarters and the country to which it belongs, so the price of this certificate is relatively higher.

2. Non-announcement body certificate, CE certification is only the product safety certification, not for product quality certification, so the domestic qualified certification body can also issue CE certification certificate, this certificate is suitable for small enterprises that do not often export or have no export demand only do brand promotion enterprises.

CE certification existing directive


CE certification cycle

For different product categories and certification methods, the cycle is generally 1-3 weeks, based on one-time product test passed, complete information.

Validity period of CE certification

The CE certification itself has no validity period. However, if the standard or directive implemented is modified, upgraded, updated, etc., the product may be reassessed, increased difference test, or even reapplied according to the need of the situation.

What should I pay attention to when applying for CE certification?

First of all, it is important to understand the purpose and function of the product. Use and function determine the category and mode of operation to which the product belongs. Only after the category and mode are determined can the standard be used and which mode of operation need to be tested separately. Secondly, as CE certification itself does not have special requirements for license-issuing organs, and sometimes customers will have special requirements for license-issuing organs, so the application should be confirmed clearly. Due to the wrong or incomplete test standards or modes, license-issuing organs do not meet customer requirements, may lead to the whole certification in vain and need to re-apply.

Benefits of CE certification

1, obtain CE certification can be sold in the EU member countries;

2. Products without CE certification in the EU market will face fines and criminal liability;

3. Products without CE certification will be rejected, returned or destroyed by the customs;

4. Products with CE certification are easy to be accepted by consumers and increase the sales of products.

Application process

1. The application company shall fill in the application form and provide materials, application form, product instructions and technical documents;

2. The organization evaluates the CE certification inspection standards and CE certification inspection items and offers quotations;

3. The application company confirms the project and submits the sample;

5. Conducted product testing in the laboratory and reviewed technical documents;

6. After the product is tested and the result meets the requirements, the applicant shall provide the product test report or technical construction file to the company, and issue the CE certificate after the test is passed; Some high-risk products need to be notified of the participation of institutions, but also need to increase the factory audit procedures to complete the CE certification

7. The applicant company shall sign the CE compliance statement and attach the CE mark to the product.



