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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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BSCI factory inspection


BSCI Business Social Standard Certification

BSCI Factory Inspection (Business Social Compliance Initiative), namely the business community to comply with the social responsibility initiative. These include: compliance with the law, freedom of association and collective bargaining rights, the prohibition of discrimination, compensation, working hours, workplace safety, the prohibition of child Labour, the prohibition of forced Labour, the environment and safety. amfori BSCI is an internationally recognized supply chain supervision and management system, which can help enterprises reduce the risk of supply chain management, continuously improve the performance of social responsibility, enhance the company's reputation, gain the recognition of buyers, and obtain more business cooperation opportunities.

BSCI is short for European Business Social Responsibility, its full name is amfori Business Social Compliance Initiative, Is a service initiative of the European Foreign Trade Association (FTA), which currently has more than 2,000 members adhering to a common code of conduct and working to improve working conditions in global supply chains.

BSCI as independent social responsibility (human rights), does not make any standard, and SAI (SocialAccountabilityInternational) cooperation, the SA8000 standard as audit evidence. SA8000 standard has high requirements, and it is difficult for general factories to meet the requirements. BSCI borrows this standard and classifies the easy to do part as part B (namely: mandatory social responsibility requirements), and classifies the difficult to implement part as part C (recommended part). In factory inspection, part C is not included in the scoring.

BSCI audit reports are universally accepted and mutually recognized by buyers, which is conducive to reducing audit costs and helping enterprises to better carry out sustainable commercial trade.

Basic overview of BSCI certification

BSCI audit standard:

The audit standard of BSCI is based on the SA8000 international community system, the laws and regulations of the country where it is located, the requirements of brand owners, and the public of the International Labor Organization

The formulation of numerous international standards, such as the industrial standards of your company;

BSCI application mode:

Factories cannot directly apply for BSCI certification. BSCl member buyers must initiate a factory audit request within the system. International third party public bank can accept the audit;

BSCI certification method:

1. Interview with managers -- 2. On-site audit -- 3. Document Audit -- 4. Interviews with workers -- 5. Interviews with workers' representatives.

Classification of BSCI audit report


BSCI audit scope

Records of working hours and wages for the past 12 months are required for the first audit; For follow-up audits, the factory shall provide records of all hours worked and wages since the last audit. In principle, all facilities under the same factory/business license are within the scope of audit.

BSCI certification audit fee

The audit fee of BSCI certification is charged by the third-party audit company, and the audit fee is determined according to the man-day audit duration and the number of workers. The fee of each audit company is different, and the fee of initial audit and follow-up audit is also different. The specific price shall be based on the actual price quoted by the audit company.

• Fees include: audit fee, travel expenses, taxes, BSCI platform management fee, others (as applicable)

Benefits of BSCI certification

1. Fulfill the guest's request; Most customers recognize that one certification deals with different customers. Factories that pass BSCI will be accepted by all BSCI members and will be exempt from COC inspection for all members.

2. Improve the image and status of the factory, and improve the factory management system;

3. Increase productivity and thus profits;

4. Minimize potential business risks such as industrial injury, fire, legal action or lost orders;

5. Lay a solid foundation for long-term development.

SMETA application procedure


BSCI most common problems

Ask? This is not the first time for me to do it this year. It should be a follow-up. Why do you do a comprehensive audit?

A: The rules of the BSCI are still complicated to interpret. But on the premise of passing every time, roughly speaking: full audit -> Follow up audit -> Full audit -> Follow up audit ->... It's a cycle. It's not like you do a full audit and you follow it up forever. This erroneous view should be corrected.

Ask? If my factory moves, what will be the impact on BSCI?

Answer: If the factory moves but does not change the legal person and ownership structure, then technically speaking, the date of establishment is still the same. But the old BSCI account cannot be used any more. It is necessary to re-establish a BSCI account (DBID). However, the advantage is that you can directly arrange factory inspection instead of waiting for three months 'wage and hour records like a new factory.

Ask? I used audit company A last year, and I will follow up this year. Can I use another audit agency?

A: Yes, you can choose the institution at will for each BSCI audit.

Ask? Is there a minimum number of people required for BSCI factory inspection?

A: No.

Ask? If our factory just changes the factory name, what impact will it have on BSCI factory inspection?

Answer: If only the name of the factory is changed, but the factory address is not changed. Then theoretically it is possible to continue to use the previous BSCI account. But the audit company will go to the enterprise information network inquiry, the legal person, equity, business scope and so on are unchanged. Therefore, the final audit results of the audit company shall prevail.



