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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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Higg Index

What is Higg Index certification?

图片1.pngThe higg Index is a self-assessment tool, a sustainable development tool, and a basic indicator tool for the apparel industry to assess the environmental and social impact of apparel and footwear products. It enables enterprises to evaluate the type of raw materials, products, manufacturing plants and processes within the context of environment and product design options.

The Higg Index was launched by the US Sustainable Clothing Alliance (SAC), an industry group whose members cover more than a third of the global clothing and footwear market. Open to all industries, Higg is a sustainability tool supported by many brands. Brands adopt factory self-evaluation results or follow up on concerns.

The Higg Index measures environmental sustainability by measuring production practices and some qualitative questions and driving the implementation of improvement measures. It is largely based on the Eco Index and Nike's clothing environment design tool. However, after a period of pilot testing, it has improved significantly.

Higg Index evaluation model

The Higg Index has two evaluation modes, one is on-site evaluation and the other is off-site evaluation.

1. Off-site evaluation:

Evaluators are not allowed to enter the site. Instead, they perform the evaluation remotely through email, pictures, web meetings and other means, and the factory cannot share the evaluation results publicly.

2. On-site evaluation:

Evaluators need to be on site, and the information and results can be shared publicly.

Higg Index file list

The Higg Index document list mainly covers environmental management systems, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, water use, wastewater and sewage, exhaust emissions, waste management, and chemicals management.

I. List of environmental management system documents

1. Understanding of the environmental impact information of the plant; Environmental performance management framework; Tasks and responsibilities; Environmental permit: Information that does not comply with, etc.

Environmental impact assessment analysis report.

Recent local government environmental audit report.

Environmental management team organization and Job description Record environmental management system documents.

Valid license: plant production process, waste gas discharge, waste water discharge, solid waste/hazardous waste disposal.

Corrective action requirements.

2. Detailed information on the policies, objectives, tracking measurement, training and review structure of the plant environmental management system.

Environmental management plan.

Company sustainability report EMS internal audit report.

System or SOP review records EMS training records and manuals.

Environmental objectives (3-5 + years) and strategies.

3. Cooperate with suppliers or subcontractors, communicate with internal and external stakeholders on common environmental sustainability, certification of environmental management system, if any:

Contracts, agreements, communication records with suppliers or subcontractors.

Environmental performance communication posters/notices/reports within the plant.

Independent third party or authorized internal auditor to review the report.

EMS certificate.

Ii. List of water use documents

1. Detailed information of water-saving target and historical water audit.

Environmental management plan.

Water audit report.

Water conservation goals.

2. Detailed information of water resources and annual water consumption.

Purchase records of various water sources (monthly bills).

Annual water use records.

Water metering plan.

3. Water situation and measures taken.

Environmental impact reduction implementation plan.

New environmentally friendly technical specifications/laboratory reports.

Iii. Documentation List of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions

1. Annual energy consumption, energy sources and greenhouse gas emission information.

Records of electricity, fuel and other energy purchases (e.g. monthly billing slips).

Metering plan.

Carbon audit report, greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory.

2. Detailed information on energy use reduction and greenhouse gas emissions targets and historical energy audits.

Environmental management plan.

Energy audit report.

Energy conservation program.

3. Detailed information about the achieved energy-saving results and measures taken, target review, achieved GHG reduction results and measures taken.

Energy and carbon tracking reports.

Technical specification/experimental report of newly adopted environmentally friendly technology.

Renewable energy procurement records.

Record of on-site renewable energy generation.

Carbon offset purchase record.

Iv. List of wastewater and sewage documents

1. Objectives and detailed information for improving wastewater quality.

Wastewater quality test report.

Action plan to improve wastewater quality.

2. Details of wastewater improvement and measures taken.

Environmental impact reduction implementation plan.

New environmentally friendly technical specifications/laboratory reports.

3. Details of annual wastewater generation.

Flow chart of wastewater treatment.

Treated wastewater.

Water quality report.

Annual wastewater discharge records (quality and quantity).

V. List of waste gas emission documents

1. On-site emission of waste gas.

Waste gas quality reporting (e.g. boiler exhaust testing, power plant air quality).

Emission inventory.

2. Emission reduction targets and detailed information.

Emission targets, mitigation plans and strategies.

3. Emission reduction achievements and measures taken. Targets and measures have been achieved.

Environmental impact reduction implementation plan.

Technical specification/experimental report of newly adopted environmentally friendly technology.

Waste gas quality monitoring to demonstrate the effectiveness of waste gas reduction measures.

Vi. Waste Management document list

1. Detailed information of waste gas produced on site.

Waste inventory.

Annual waste disposal/recycling records.

Training materials and records for waste disposal and isolation.

2. Waste emission reduction achievements and measures taken. Targets and measures have been achieved.

Environmental impact reduction implementation plan.

Waste disposal/recycling records demonstrating the effectiveness of waste reduction measures.

3. Waste reduction target.

Waste reduction objective Document and Strategy.

Waste management plan.

Waste recycling projects and details.

Vii. List of chemical management documents

1. Chemical management performance improvement, measures adopted to achieve improvement and detailed information.

Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) Chemicals Management module evaluation report port.

Action/implementation plan for alternative chemical assessment.

Chemical use record, chemical reduction results and implementation measures certificate.

2. Existing chemical management measures and compliance plans and detailed information.

Outdoor Industries Association (OIA) Chemicals Management Module evaluation report.

Annual chemical regulatory review.

List of Restricted Substances (RSL).

Inventory List of chemicals/List of chemicals used on site.

Ensure RSL compliance workflow.

RSL non-compliance corrective action.

3. Chemical reduction targets and action plans, and action plans for improving chemical management.

List of Restricted Substances (RSL).

Assessment report on alternative chemicals.



