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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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Responsible Alpaca Standard

What is RAS?

图片1.pngThe Responsible Alpaca Standard (RAS) is a voluntary standard relating to the welfare of alpacas and the land on which they graze. Our Goals The goal of the RAS is to provide the industry with a tool to recognise farmers' best practices; Ensure that alpaca fibre is sourced from farms that take a step-by-step approach to land management that fully respects the animal welfare of alpacas and respects the five freedoms of animal welfare. How does RAS work? The RAS requires that all sites be certified, from the alpaca breeder to the final business-to-business transaction, to the seller. Usually, the final stage to be certified is the garment manufacturer or brand. Retailers (business-to-consumer) do not require certification. The farm is certified through the RAS's animal welfare and land management and social modules. Subsequent phases of the supply chain are certified to the Content Claim Standard (CCS) requirements. If you wish to obtain RAS certification, you can contact one of the certification authorities listed.


How does RAS work?

The RAS requires that all sites be certified, from the alpaca breeder to the final business-to-business transaction, to the seller. Usually, the final stage to be certified is the garment manufacturer or brand. Retailers (business-to-consumer) do not require certification. The farm is certified through the RAS's animal welfare and land management and social modules. Subsequent phases of the supply chain are certified to the Content Claim Standard (CCS) requirements.



