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Presenture Sourcing Management(Dongguan)Co.,Ltd.

Audit and system certification professional technical service organization

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Reclaim Claim Standard

RCS certification

Recycled Claimed Standard RCS certification, namely Recycled Claimed standard in English, is another recycled claimed standard launched by TE Textile Trade Organization in 2013, which can be used to provide the basis for certification of products using recycled raw materials. Suitable for products with recycled raw material content between 5%-100%. RCS certification ensures that products contain recycled materials. It convinces consumers that the products they buy contain recycled materials because they choose products made from recycled materials. Passing this certification helps to increase the use of recycled materials and reduce the amount of waste. The validity period of the certificate is one year

The list of documents to be prepared for RCS certification:

1.RCS production management manual

2. RCS system plan

3. RCS product specification sheet

4. Business license, tax registration certificate, organization code

5. Production flow chart

6. Plan of workshop and warehouse area (including machine arrangement and equipment list)

7. Supplier evaluation records

4. RCS operation training records

5. Summary of RCS raw material purchase

6. RCS raw material acceptance inspection records

7. RCS production risk assessment and control measures

8. RCS production traceability record (simulation).

1. What is a TC transaction certificate

After the RCS certificate is passed, before the product is traded, each batch of goods should apply to the certification body for TC trading certificate, whose purpose is to confirm that the entire supply chain of product production and trading are in line with the RCS certification standard.

2. RCS label level

RCS 100% : More than 95% recycled materials.

RCS BLENDED, the proportion of recycled materials is 5%~95%.


Benefits of RCS certification

1. Improve enterprise efficiency Improve production system and facilities and constantly upgrade, increase enterprise capacity, so that enterprises can obtain higher enterprise efficiency.

2, improve the brand image to meet customer mandatory standards, obtain customer orders, establish international credibility, improve the corporate image.

3. Reduce operation risks. Reduce management and control risks, increase the consciousness of complying with local laws and regulations, and effectively avoid legal proceedings.

4. Saving operating costs recognized by international brand customers, avoiding repeated audits of suppliers by foreign customers, thus saving costs.

5. Attract more talent to provide an ethical working environment for employees, reduce the turnover of high-level professionals, and enhance cohesion.

RCS project service process

Step 1 Apply

Upon receipt of the formally signed application form and verification, the audit agency will set up a project to evaluate the feasibility of certification and the associated costs.

Step 2: Contract

After evaluating the application form, the auditing agency will quote according to the situation of the application. The budget fee will be detailed in the contract. The applicant will confirm and sign the contract immediately after receiving it

Step 3 Sign up

After receiving the contract signature and verification, the audit agency will register the applicant and issue the registration number

Step 4 Pay

After the audit agency issued the quotation contract, the enterprise needs to pay.

Step 5 Review

After confirming that the necessary system documents have been sorted out, the auditing agency will arrange auditors to audit the site, and issue a formal report within two weeks after the audit.

6. Present evidence

Audit institutions in the receipt of the formal report within two weeks out of the formal consultation, if there is a non-conformance in the audit, according to the actual situation to take different measures, all non-conformance in the specified time to correct good certification.



